Unlocking the Future: Exploring Fractional Ownership in Movies

Splitar Ltd.
4 min readSep 26, 2023


Scene from MAMI WATA by C.J. ‘Fiery’ Obasi

Financial democratization is rapidly transforming the face of investments. This evolution began with platforms and investment vehicles like MusicSplit and ArtSplit, which introduced the concepts of fractional ownership for music albums and art pieces, respectively.

Now, the entertainment realm is on the cusp of a comparable, if not greater, transformation, focusing on the film industry. As everyday investors increasingly engage with music and art, the world of cinema, with its vast landscape and appeal, beckons to be the next frontier.

Understanding the Growth and Landscape of the Global Movie Industry

The last few decades have seen unprecedented growth in the film sector. Film industries from Hollywood to Bollywood and even Nollywood have expanded their influence, riding on the waves of technological advancements and changing consumption patterns.

The surge of streaming platforms, including Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, HBO Max, and several regional players, has fundamentally altered how audiences consume content. These platforms are hungry for fresh, diverse, and compelling narratives. Consequently, demand for quality movies has skyrocketed, leading to increased production rates and extensive revenue streams that go beyond the traditional box office releases.

Fractional Ownership: The Future of Movie Investments

Fractional ownership, in essence, allows individuals to own a ‘piece’ or ‘fraction’ of a larger asset. When this principle is applied to movies, it can be groundbreaking. Instead of entire studios or a select group of elite investors holding the financial keys to a film’s potential, fractional ownership can democratize this privilege. This approach enables individuals to own a portion or a ‘share’ of a movie. Much like how shares in a company represent a stake in its performance and earnings, these movie fractions would signify a stake in the film’s future revenues, rights, licensing deals, and other associated income streams.

The Multifaceted Benefits of Fractional Movie Ownership

Portfolio Diversification: Traditional investment portfolios comprise stocks, bonds, real estate, and perhaps a few alternative assets. Adding movies to this mix not only introduces a new asset class but also brings potential for returns that may be uncorrelated with traditional markets, offering a hedge against market downturns.

Entry into an Elite Club: Historically, the intricacies of movie financing and the lion’s share of subsequent profits have been the domain of major studios, wealthy producers, or high-net-worth investors. Fractional ownership is the game changer that makes the exclusive inclusive, opening doors for common investors to partake in potential movie profits.

Multiple Revenue Avenues: A film’s revenue isn’t confined to its box office performance. There are several monetization avenues, including merchandise sales, syndication rights, streaming deals, international distributions, DVD and Blu-ray sales, and licensing deals for sequels or spin-offs. As a fractional owner, investors can gain from each of these revenue streams, multiplying their earning potential.

A Personal Stake in Global Narratives: Beyond the tangible financial benefits, there’s an intangible thrill in owning a part of a movie. Whether it’s a film that resonates deeply with audiences, sparks global conversations, or sweeps awards, having a stake in it offers both cultural and emotional dividends.

High Return Potential: All investments carry inherent risks. However, movies, given their global outreach and diverse revenue channels, have the potential to provide substantial returns. Independent films, in particular, produced on shoestring budgets, can sometimes outperform big-budget blockbusters in terms of ROI, given the right narrative and marketing strategy.

Promotion of Diverse Narratives: Fractional ownership could also democratize the kind of films that get produced. With a larger pool of investors having a say, there might be a push towards more diverse and inclusive narratives, reflecting a broader spectrum of human experiences.\

Hurdles and Considerations

However, while the prospects of fractional movie ownership are exciting, potential investors should be aware of associated risks. Not every movie guarantees a blockbuster return. The film industry, like any other, is susceptible to market trends, audience preferences, and unforeseen global events that can impact revenues.

In a world that’s rapidly embracing democratized investment structures, the movie industry’s fractional ownership represents a fusion of art and commerce like never before. Platforms that have already ushered in similar revolutions in the music and art sectors have paved the way for cinema to be the next big thing in the investment world.

For the everyday investor, this is not just about diversifying portfolios or seeking monetary returns. It’s about being a part of stories that shape cultures, influence societies, and leave indelible marks on the sands of time. As boundaries between artistic mediums, technological platforms, and commercial strategies continue to converge and evolve, the idea of fractional movie ownership stands tall as a beacon of the future — promising, thrilling, and full of potential.



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